Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Five things meme

Mixed Salad Annie tagged me for a meme. Here it is:

Five things in my freezer
- burger patties (44 of them)
- hot dogs (approximately 70 of them)
We have a big cookout coming up!
- mini-pancakes with cinnamon chips (a product I need to wean my son off of)
- yeast in a canning jar, from the huge bag I bought at Costco. Even if I don't use most of it, it was still a good deal. Much cheaper than the supermarket and 'yeastier' too.
- an extremely well wrapped dead squirrel (my husband is an aspiring taxidermist and his freezer is on the fritz)

Five things in my closet
- my wedding dress - dark blue, only $34 and I wore it a couple of more times
- a leather vest I never wore but it was so cheap when our J.C. Penney's went out of business I couldn't resist
- giant stack of my husband's t-shirts, most of them gifted to him, most of them quite tasteless. I sometimes throw one on to work around the house without thinking and find myself talking to one of the neighbors while I'm wearing a shirt with a picture of a woman with huge exaggerated hooters and some crude saying on it.
- a pair of black sandals that I'll probably never wear again but I can't seem to part with
- lots of camouflage on my husband's side

Five things in my car
- a tricycle
- a toddler-sized bicycle helmet
- a pair of (pre-pregnancy) dress shoes from the last wedding I went to (I drove home in sneakers)
- sunglasses
- a John Berry cassette

Five things in my purse
- 2 epi-pens for my son
- cell phone
- credit card
- AAA card
- Slim Mints (um, yeah, they don't work very well)

Five people I'd like to tag
- no one. This is where memes come to die.


Anonymous said...

really??? a dead squirrel?

Anonymous said...

ps- love your website!

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! Thanks for picking the most interesting closet stuff to share that we can all relate to! I love the t-shirt and neighbors story!