The month is slipping away fast so I had to scramble to find a cookbook to giveway. I knew it had to be a cookbook that I already owned a copy of since I didn't want to offer anything that wasn't tried-and-true so I started going through my Recipes, listed by cookbook link and as soon as I got to this one, I knew this was a book that many of you would enjoy.
This book is loaded, LOADED, with healthy recipes. There are approximately 500 of them. There are appetizers, kid's favorites, breads, desserts, main courses, sides - basically, recipes in almost every category you can think of. There are pictures of every recipe (and nutritional information) and it's spiral bound. You can see a samples of the layout here, here and here. (I think the copy I ordered to give away has a plastic binding so don't get too excited.)
These are some of the recipes from this cookbook that I've tried so far:
Banana Waffles
Cakey Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chicken Fingers
Garlic-Mustard Green Beans
Memphis-Style Pork Chops
Multigrain and Cherry Muffins
Orzo-Broccoli Pilaf
Scalloped Potatoes and Ham
Zesty Swiss Steak
This is how it works - just leave a comment on this post. I just need an e-mail address (if your profile links to an e-mail, you don't need to type it out, I'll find it). Entry is open until the last day of the month. First chance I get after that, I'll draw the winner. Then I'll contact the winner for a mailing address and then I mail the book! I'll pay the shipping, of course. I'll open this to everyone - in or out of the U.S.
I've received some some weird hits, resulting from queries on common e-mail extensions, hitting the cookbook giveaway posts. Probably someone trolling for e-mail addresses so feel free to modify your e-mail address when you leave it, using 'at' instead of@ and 'dot com' instead of '.com'.
They lucky winner will get a nice new copy of this book, while I have to deal with sticky pages since I spilled something on my copy some time ago.
Good Luck!
****************The winner is kacee52!************
Thanks for the offer! Love the blog!
Same here. Can't wait for a chance to get a new cookbook!
something funny about my profile. my email is cmeeusen @ gmail.com just to let you know in case it doesn't work. Thanks again!
I'm interested! lawnqueen[at]gmail[dot]com
Thanks so much for doing this each month. I look forward to it each time.
I have to win this book! I think the library is tired of be having it checked out. Count me in!!
Ooooh! This is one I really need. Heck, I'll even take the one with the sticky pages.
Thanks, Jan
Wow, sounds like a great cookbook, I'm interested! Thanks!
stefanie.tenn @ gmail.com
Pick me! Pick me!
blanton (dot) 3 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
enter me too please!
Oh my, that looks like a great cookbook! Love the recipes you've made. Please throw my name in the hat :)
email: stacy at hambones[dot]org
Have a great day!
Include me Paula! It sounds great.
Sounds great. I love your blog, btw!
Another Jen interested! This sounds like my kind of cookbook. I gotta have pictures to see how the recipe is SUPPOSED to look (what can I say, I'm a visual person!)
My email is mrs_pile@hotmail.com
And like Jan, I'd be ecstatic with the sticky copy and you could keep the new one!
Love your blog Paula. You amaze me at how often you cook and the variety. I get so in a rut and can't think of what to make. Plus a lot of the time, there's nobody home to eat and DH would be happy with a bowl of cereal. Although he'd be happier with a meal but his work hours are weird and I never know what time he'll be home.
Thanks for the contest!
Yum! All of those recipes sound really good.
count me in..i really need a cooking light cookbook. loved the jalapenas.
Sounds like a great book. carrieATqueenoframblesDOTcom
What a great book!
And what a great thing for you to do.
Love RAK's!!!!
hello! me me me me! i love healthy cookbooks :D
All those recipes sound terrific. Can I be in on it too? Please?
wow this looks like a winning cookbook! :)
mlle.veuve.clicquot (at) gmail. com
I'd like to enter the contest. Thankyou!
oooo sign me up!
katgould (at) optonline (dot )net
The pasta book needs company!
Put my name in the hat. How exciting!! Jancd
thanks... ^.^
I just found your blog and I love it! I also have way too many cookbooks, but always welcome a new addition!
siamese [at] fruitbat [dot] org
It looks like a great book. Thanks for such a great job on the blog.
I love the cookbooks with healthy recipes! I am in! kacee52@earthlink.net
Consider this my entry
hooray for healthy cookbooks :)
ellen (at) sylviesdaughter (dot) com
Just found your blog today! Love it!
I just found your site, and am a fellow cookbook "junkie". With my "middle-age-middle" starting to concern me lately, I have been seeking healthier recipes to try, and this cookbook seems to fit the bill.
OOPS! I forgot to sign in before my last comment. Anyway, thanks for the chance to win healthy cookbook!
I have a question actually. Do you know of a way to remove the strong odor of onions that permeates everything my home when I use Lipton or Mrs. Grass Onion Soup Mix? This is one of my favorite shortcuts and adds so much flavor to certain dishes that I do not want to stop using it. Any suggestions?
Just found your blog... looks like some great stuff. Here is my e-mail address... laura.daniels@yahoo.com.
Just found your blog -- love it!! Cookbooks are wonderful. I read them like books too. My email is colobleu @ yahoo.com Thanks.
Looks like a great cookbook! Just found your blog and I'm looking forward to catching up on old posts...
Yay! Free is good.
krooie at myway dot com.
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