Chamberlain's Steak Rub
The Healthy Beef Cookbook Copyright 2006
1/4 cup kosher salt or 3 tablespoons table salt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons granulated garlic
2 tablespoons chipotle chili powder
1 tablespoon dry mustard
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon coarse grind black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves, crushed
1. Combine all ingredients in small bowl; blend well. Store in airtight
container until ready to use.
2. Use 1 to 2 teaspoons rub for each 8 ounce beef steak and 2 to 4 teaspoons
rub per pound of beef roast. Press evenly onto steak or onto all surfaces of beef roast before cooking.
Makes about 1 cup rub.
I'm getting a bit bored with marinades on this blog and you probably are too. I decided to try a rub this time. My spice cupboard runneth over so I'm always on the lookout for recipes that use a lot of dried spices. I especially liked that this one called for dried chipotle since I don't find that many recipes calling for it (most call for canned chipotle).
I'm glad I liked this because it made about a cup and I wasn't smart enough to halve the recipe. I look forward to using it again. I don't think the beef people who put out this cookbook would want to tell you this, but I think it would be great on grilled chicken or pork too. It's got the smokiness and heat from the chipotle but it's not too overpowering. Hmm, I might even try some on roasted potatoes.
This cut was labeled London Broil but I think it's just some type of sirloin. It was buy one get one free.
Let's recap the week, if I can remember.
Monday we had Savory Pork Pot Roast and corn on the cob.
Tuesday we had a rerun - grilled Dutch Meatloaf. I was hoping to get a better picture this time but time got away from me. We had mashed potatoes and corn with that (I know, corn two days in a row but my son loves corn, especially with mashed potatoes since I taught him how to use the potatoes to pick up the corn.)
Wednesday we had smoked sausage in pasta sauce over (Smart Taste) rotini. I love smoked sausage cooked in pasta sauce. I used to free-style that one quite a bit, usually with onions and peppers but I kept it simple this time.
Last night we had this steak, with french fries and green beans.
Salad was available every night too.
Tonight will be pizza. I made the 1 1/2 pound recipe of my current favorite pizza dough. My machine barely handled it but it did. I'm in the mood for a thicker crust.
Question of the Day: Are you dressing up for Halloween? When is the last time you dressed up for Halloween? I seriously don't remember. I remember going to a 70s party about 12 years ago that may have been on Halloween. I didn't get too wild - bell bottoms, t-shirt and I wore my hair as straight as I could. In college I remember dressing up as Zoro, sort of (cape, mask). Oh wait, I remember now, I was a farmer (for work) in '97. Overalls, straw hat. I'm pretty sure that was the last time I dressed up for Halloween.