This month I'm giving away a cookbook that I haven't even tried yet, All You Can Eat! All Occasion Entertaining. I have high hopes for it but unfortunately I just don't have time to squeeze in any recipes before the end of the month since I'm going on vacation next week and then I have a cookout to prepare for after that.
I think this is a very rare cookbook. For something that was printed so recently, I was shocked not to be able to find any information on it on the internet. Even amazon.com had no picture and only two used copies for sale. I googled it every which way and came up with nothing but a few used copies for sale. I'm perplexed, to say the least. I was really excited looking through all the wonderful recipes. There are no pictures but it's a large hardcover book. I don't even see it on the publisher's website. Very weird. I mean, I've seen a lot of cookbooks and I've seen plenty of duds that haven't disappeared without a trace. Both authors seem rather prolific - together and individually they've written several of the 'Everything' series of books. Actually, I have a sneaking suspicion that these recipes are also in some of those 'Everything' books, especially the Everything Holiday Cookbook (which was published a couple of years before this book so who knows?).
This book has over 30 'themes' - holidays, countries, ethnicities, low-carb, diabetic, etc. Something for everyone. Great fun, especially if you have children who might have to contribute to a theme meal for a class. They recipes vary from the simple to the complex. Something for everyone.
Here's the table of contents:

Here's a sample recipe:

The book has some slight damage, just some sticker residue and some indentations in the back cover (such as if you put a piece of paper on top and wrote on it). It's a hardcover without a dust jacket (I don't think it's missing, I don't think it ever had one).
So, while this isn't a well-known cookbook, I think it has great potential.
This is how it works - just leave a comment on this post. I just need an e-mail address (if your profile links to an e-mail, you don't need to type it out, I'll find it). Entry is open until the last day of the month. First chance I get after that, I'll draw the winner. Then I'll contact the winner for a mailing address and then I'll mail the book! I'll pay the shipping, of course (I'll probably send it media rate - postal rates have gone up again). Unfortunately, I'm going to have to limit this to mailing to US mailing addresses only. I took a bath on the last giveaway which ended up in Canada (I hope). I don't know if it was because of the last postal rate increase of if the postal clerk was clueless (I didn't even have to fill out a customs form, according to her). I've sent a book to Canada before and it was reasonable, although the last book was much larger. Since this book is quite large, I can't take a chance. My apologies to all of my foreign readers but blame the postal service!
I've received some some weird hits, resulting from queries on common e-mail extensions, hitting the cookbook giveaway posts. Probably someone trolling for e-mail addresses so feel free to modify your e-mail address when you leave it, using 'at' instead of @ and 'dot com' instead of '.com', etc.
The winner is "..." (yeah, that's her handle)
I'm interested! lawnqueen[at]gmail[dot]com
Please sign me up for the giveaway!
sounds great! again, thank you so much for this opportunity!
wordinista at gmail dot com
Wow, so many recipes!
What a nice treasure to have around when the trying new things bug hits.
Maybe I could find something new for Thanksgiving or Christmas to make.
Please include me in the draw!
Just in case my email isn't attached... bluechillies-at-gmail.com
Thank you!
bets kev at earthlink dot net
I actually just found you from a link from another blog, must be my lucky day!
isaroo at aol dot com
Randi66 at Cabletv (dot)ON (Dot) CA
Where ya going on vacation?
Would love to win this!
columbusfoodie AT gmail DOT com
What a great give away.. thanks!
Thanks so much! I'd love to win this one!
I'm game
klweber2002 at gmail dot com
I don't comment very often but I am a frequent reader. WOuld love to have this cookbook
PA_Mom at hotmail dot com
Sounds super!
zekks at yahoo dot com
I would love to be added to this cookbook giveaway!
njnylady at gmail.com
Just found your site tonight. Have bookmarked it for future reference. I have a large collection of cookbooks, too. (Find them hard to resist.) (smile)
Please enter me in your cookbook giveaway. Thanks.
kasueha at gmail dot com
sign me up please. my email is johnny108@centurytel.net
Did you give away the cookbook or is this continuing? If continuing, please count me in.
Liz B
lizzieboo2 at verizon dot net
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