Taste of Home Family Collection Cookbook Copyright 2006
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg I omitted this
4 cups sliced peeled fresh peaches
1 cup sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup cold butter
1 egg, beaten
Ice cream, optional
In a bowl, combine sugar, flour and nutmeg. Add peaches; stir to coat. Pour into a greased 11-in. x 7-in x 2-in baking pan. For topping, combine sugar, flour, baking powder and salt; cut in the butter until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in egg. Spoon over peaches.
Bake at 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until filling is bubbly and topping is golden. Serve hot or cold with ice cream if desired.
Yield 8-10 servings
I had an attack of the queasies this weekend and my appetite hasn't quite returned yet. I know I really liked this cobbler even if I can't quite conjure up that fondness right at this moment. It was very juicy (perfect for serving with ice cream) and I loved the crispy topping. The peaches weren't as good this week so I was worried but they did all right in this. The syrup was surprisingly flavorful. I had a large selection of cobbler recipes to choose from and I think I picked a winner.
I'm sure my appetite will return soon. It never leaves for very long. It's not really a bad thing. I've been eating too much and not enjoying food as much lately. Everything I think is related to not getting enough sleep so I'm getting strict about an earlier bedtime.
Blast From The Past: Beef and Tortilla Casserole (Chilaquiles) from February 2007. That's what I wish I was having for dinner tonight but I'm not. Boo hoo.
Question of the Day: Do you prefer cobbler plain, with ice cream or with whipped cream or Cool Whip?
i actually don't think i've ever had cobbler before . . . which, now that i think about it, is kind of interesting. maybe i'll have to try this one, seeing as how i'm in colorado and all ;)
why did you not use nutmeg? is it the taste? or did you maybe not have any in stock?
I would love it any way, but my favorite would be ice cream.
I had peach cobbler at a restaurant recently. It had an unusual spice that I didn't care for. Do you think it might have been mace? I know that mace is the outer shell of nutmeg and nutmeg is okay, but not this.
either warm with ice cream or plain. MMMM!
Ice Cream! (A good quality vanilla, nothing cheap)
Anyway I can get it. But I guess vanilla ice cream would be my fav!!
p.s. Hope you feel better :)
I'll have my cobbler with pecan butter ice cream please, it's awesome.
Ice cream! I can't wait until it's cool enough to make cobbler here...
Mace is the outer shell of nutmeg? I didn't know that, you smart sister, you! Ugh! - Mace in cobbler sounds awful.
I like cobbler any way at all. When I make it, I never think to put anything extra on it, though.
I left the nutmeg out because I usually find it overpowering and I just didn't think I wanted that flavor in this. I didn't miss it. I like nutmeg in my Welsch cookies but that's about it.
Mace is one of the few spices I don't have in my spice cupboard. I keep reading it's similar to nutmeg so do I really need it?
I wonder if that cobbler you had contained cardamom, which is getting pretty popular. I had a full jar of that but tossed it. Don't ask - it was around the time of my allergic reaction in December and I was being paranoid.
Ice Cream.
Pretty much any way at all!
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