I thought I should get this in before the month was over. I've been wanting to give this cookbook away for some time but when I went back to Ollie's there wasn't a copy left anywhere (and I looked and looked and looked). I finally got my hands on a copy of this somewhere else.
This is the ultimate brunch-breakfast-sweets-with-a-bit-of-savory-thrown-in-too cookbook. There are over 1500 recipes organized by state and by inn or B&B. Some are duplicates. The book isn't organized very well and the index stinks but the recipes are there. There are quiches, frittatas, french toast, pancakes, omelets, muffins, biscuits, bread puddings, stratas, scones and so much more. There are no photographs but you won't miss them.
So far I've made from this book:
Cinnamon-Apple Cake
Pineapple Oatmeal Muffins
Strawberry (Peach) Streusel Bars
This is how it works - just leave a comment on this post. I just need an e-mail address (if your profile links to an e-mail, you don't need to type it out, I'll find it). Entry is open until the last day of the month. First chance I get after that, I'll draw the winner. Then I'll contact the winner for a mailing address and then I'll mail the book! I'll pay the shipping, of course (I'll probably send it media rate - postal rates have gone up again). Unfortunately, I'm going to have to limit this to mailing to US mailing addresses only. Postage is just getting too expensive. My apologies to all of my foreign readers but blame the postal service.
I've received some some weird hits, resulting from queries on common e-mail extensions, hitting the cookbook giveaway posts. Probably someone trolling for e-mail addresses so feel free to modify your e-mail address when you leave it, using 'at' instead of @ and 'dot com' instead of '.com', etc.
******meddlingkidd is the winner!***********
I'll take it! :-)
This one sounds like its right up my alley! Thanks for the chance to win! I'll mention it on my blog too :)!
Sounds good to me!
looks good!
Oooh... I would never say no to a cookbook!!! mlle(dot)veuve(dot)clicquot (at) gmail(dot)com
Ooh, looks awesome! Enter me, enter me :)
I have a US mailing address.
Randi66 AT Cabletv Dot ON Dot CA
I'd like to enter, please!
This cookbook sounds good! Thanks for the chance for us to win it.
OH! That sounds right up my alley!
Chris in NH
fourcinas at verizon dot net
Hand in the air, jumping crazily and screaming, ME ME ME!!!!
I would love to own it. :) Bren
Count me in this month!
Forgot to leave my email
pa_mom at hot mail dot com
i'd love it =)
This looks like a great book. I would love to win this , count me in!
i'd love it!
zekks at yahoo.com
this book sounds like a dream!!
When I recipe calls for vinegar, does this mean you can use distilled white or apple cider vinegar? I assume it means white distilled. Which is standard if no specific vinegar is specified?
Which do you recommend for the Campbells Soup Tomato French Dressing?
Cooking and eating are wonderful things in life!
I meant to post long before this but just wanted to say...Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!
I love it!!
Enjoy your blog! Where could I find the eggnog shake recipe?
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