I didn't want a pictureless post so I included a picture of a favorite cookie from last year, Coconut Butterballs.
This weekend I didn't really do any cooking. I did make a batch of Gingerbread Syrup, which I planned on using to make a clone of Red Robin's Gingerbread Shake for my husband, who pouts when I won't let him order one (it just isn't fair since our peanut-allergic son can't order dessert when we eat there - we can't trust desserts anywhere). I didn't get around to making the shakes but the syrup turned out well. It can be used to make Gingerbread Lattes too. I got these recipes somewhere on the internet. I forgot to note the sources.
Gingerbread Syrup
2 cups water
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Make the gingerbread syrup by combining water, sugar, ginger, cinnamon and vanilla in a medium saucepan. Be sure the pan is not too small or the mixture could easily bubble over.
2. Bring mixture to a boil then reduce heat and simmer syrup, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Remove the syrup from the heat when it's done and slap a lid on it.
Gingerbread Shake
1½ oz. gingerbread syrup
2 oz. milk
1 tablespoon Graham Cracker crumbs
14 oz. vanilla ice cream
Blend syrup, milk, ice cream.
Garnish with whipped cream, Graham Cracker crumbs, and a gingersnap.
I also picked up some frozen sausage and pepper calzones in Costco. They were excellent. Packed full of sausage. Terribly decadent of course, but dinner was just those with some spaghetti sauce. The leftovers will be fought over.
That's it. I know I'm not the only one busy this time of year so I won't continue to go on and on about nothing.
Question of the Day: Have you had a gingerbread shake or gingerbread latte?
I did sooooo good last year! This year it seems that I have to try everything that sounds good!
I just had my annual gingerbread latte at Starbucks last Thursday! Delish. Thanks for the recipe
I just had an iced gingerbread latte tonight at fourbux in NYC...its raining here in new york, so iced it because i wasnt cold. :)
No but now I wish I had!
I usually try the holiday shakes each year. I didn't care for the gingerbread one, but I looove the eggnog shakes.
Have a gingerbread latte every now and then but prefer the eggnong ones. And how did I miss those coconut cookies last year? YUMMY
I had a different syrup recipe in mind, but since you already made this, I may use this instead. And the shake sounds so good!! I had a gingerbread latte at Dunkin Donuts last month. I wouldn't mind going for another one :)
I have never had either. Sounds interesting.
Oh a new addiction, just what I need! I have not tried one yet but they are creating them at the coffee shop around the corner so I may just have to do that! As well as make some syrup to have for both home and work!
I had a gingerbread shake at Red Robin over the holidays and fell in love. I decided I would buy some gingerbread syrup online so I could make my own shakes. Once I looked around I realized the shipping would be ridiculous and so I thought, "well, maybe when it gets close to the holidays again I could justify it." Then I found your sight! Bless you. I just tried the syrup and the shake recipe and couldn't be happier. It tasted exactly like the Real Red Robin delectable treat. Thank you so much!
I just wanted to let you know that the shakes from Red Robin never come in contact with nuts. There are not even any peanuts in the restaurant. They are perfectly safe for anyone with nut allergies.
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