Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Something a little different with cauliflower

Fresh Cauliflower Gratin
American Dietetic Association Cooking Healthy Across America Copyright 2005

Vegetable oil cooking spray
2 teaspoons salt
1 whole head cauliflower, trimmed and washed
3 tablespoons reduced fat mayonnaise I used regular
4 tablespoons honey mustard or stone ground mustard I used half Dijon and half honey mustard
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (4 ounces)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a 2-quart ovenproof casserole dish with the cooking spray.

Bring 3 quarts water to a boil; add the salt and the cauliflower. Reduce heat to medium and simmer about 10 minutes or until the cauliflower is fork tender.

Combine the mayonnaise, mustard and cayenne pepper in a small bowl; set aside.

Remove the cauliflower with a large slotted spoon. Place in the prepared casserole dish and separate the cauliflower florets slightly. Cover with the mustard mixture and top with shredded cheese.

Bake, uncovered, for 10 to 15 minutes, or until lightly browned on top.

This was a great cauliflower recipe, if you like mustard.  It is the predominant flavor.  There are so many mustards available that you can really picked and choose what you like. Yellow mustard is too harsh.  I misread the recipe and started with Dijon mustard but I only had a couple of tablespoons so I rounded it out with honey mustard. Then I saw that it was supposed to be all honey mustard. I think the mixture was better because I only had some store-brand generic honey mustard.  I did have some better hot honey mustard that I might try next time.

Cauliflower is one of my trigger foods.  I don't want to stop eating it once I start (unless it's raw - yuck!) I made this as a side but I decided to make it the main course.  I ended up that little dish you see pictures several times.

Sorry, that's it. I can barely get a post up these days, never mind make it interesting.


Wanda said...

This looks and sounds good! I am eating healthier and lower calorie these days, so this recipe is definately helpful. I think I'll make it this week.

Angie's Recipes said...

Love cauliflowers gratin! Honey mustard sounds terrific.

Anonymous said...

I can taste this cauliflower just by looking at the picture! This recipe is amazing, and I am forwarding it to friends and family immediately! Thank you so much. Enjoy! http://onefoodietoanother.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

CBJ, you're always interesting, even if you say nothing. I just love seeing what you cook and recommend. I love cauliflower, cooked or raw, but mostly cooked. This sounds delicious.


Ashleigh and Tiffani said...

Looks delish...an cheese makes Everything taste better! Yum!

Alisha said...

Okay, tried this this past weekend but used a base of kale and added some zucchini. Have to say it was really pretty good! Thanks for posting the recipe :)

(I may add it to my blog (with credit to you) if you don't mind)

The Cookbook Junkie said...

That sounds interesting with the kale. I still have a bunch of kale leftover. I didn't get any cooking done this weekend (besides some cookies which I overbaked).

I'd love to see it on your blog. You can tell people you got the idea here but I can't take 'credit' since it's not my recipe.

Alisha said...

Well, credit that I found it through you :) And of course, credit where it originally came from. LOL

We spent most of this weekend making kale chips to use up that big bag - it still amazes me that a 10 year old actually likes it.