Strawberry Cake
A Little Byte of DISA (fundraiser cookbook) Copyright 2000
1 pkg. white cake mix
1 small pkg. strawberry Jell-O (dry)
1 (10-oz.) box frozen strawberries (save ½ cup for icing)
½ c. oil
¾ c. water
4 eggs
1 stick softened butter
1 box powdered sugar
Stir oil, water, and eggs into dry cake mix. Add Jell-O. Stir strawberries in gently. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes.
Icing: Blend 1 stick softened butter with 1 box powdered sugar; slowly add ½ cup strawberries. Cook cake before icing.
I know I said I was going to try to pick out some exciting recipes, but obviously this one isn't that exciting. Unless, maybe you're a 6-year old girl. But my husband asked me to make a couple of cakes for some guys at work since their wives have baked for him in the past. Since I had two boxes of white cake mix that I needed to do something with, I decided to make this strawberry cake, which I've made in the past and I made a Brown Mountain Cake with Easy Buttercream. Since the cakes were being given away, I cooked some of the batter of each in custard cups, as 'testers'. This strawberry cake is very sweet. I asked hubby if he wanted another chocolate cake but he said the strawberry was fine and he scarfed the tester right down. I think it's sort of funny that he's giving this girly-pink cake to a guy at work.
Basically I choked under pressure. So many cakes in the world, I'm not sure why I chose to make this one. I think it had something to do with my husband mentioning another strawberry cake I've made in the past (yellow cake with fresh strawberries and a pudding/cool whip filling) but I didn't want to send anything that was too perishable. I still had strawberry on the brain though. The cakes that were made for my husband were pretty standard so I wasn't feeling the need to spend my weekend in the kitchen baking. At least I got rid of one of those boxes of white cake.
I know I don't sound very excited about this but I wasn't at all in the mood for cake so I couldn't judge it properly. I once made this recipe into cupcakes for a bake sale and I topped each one with a gummy strawberry and I remember being more excited that time. I think I used cream cheese in the frosting that time and that cuts the sweetness a bit. This would be a great recipe for a young girl's birthday cake.
Question of the Day: Did you have a standard birthday cake flavor while you were growing up?
We usually had Carvel ice cream cakes for birthdays. I miss those. We don't have any Carvel stores anymore. You can buy the cakes in the grocery stores now but there was nothing like getting them fresh from a Carvel store.
I searched high and low for information on those chocolate crunchies they use but they must guard that information closer than the colonel guards his chicken recipe.
I always wanted Carrot cake for my birthday when I was younger.My son wants strawberry.Every.Single.Year.
Always chocolate on chocolate! I am a twin, so my grandmother made double chocolate for me and double vanilla for my sister. At least all partygoers had a choice! :)
I always wanted Angel Food Cake with strawberries and Cool Whip BUT my mom usually made a strawberry cake with a sickeningly sweet icing. (yours looks much better though) Just wasn't the same thing at allllll! (course, my birthday is in Nov. and fresh strawberries weren't available.)
Usually white cake BUT my mom always did some kind of fancy decoration. She made one of those doll cakes one year...I think I was about 10...all my friends were very impressed.
We had carvel cakes too. Those crunchies sound similar to the ones DQ uses.
I don't remember what cakes I had as a child. Old black and white photos usually show one with white icing and candles. (Folks weren't too fancy in those days) My childrens' were pretty plain,but with those bought decorations. When they got to the teens, they would make a request. Now, for the grandchildren, we go all out! (Times change) Either one from the bakery to follow the theme, or my daughter will create one to fit the theme. Sometimes she'll follow a picture,or not. For the Winnie the Pooh party, she created a beehive cake that was adorable.
Sorry I rambled on so long! Jan
Jan, (and everyone), I remember my cakes, sort of. I remember Mother - or maybe it was you and/or sister #1 - making my birthday cake with a clown on it, more than once. White icing, always, then a clown drawn with some kind of squeezed out colored icing, and holding balloons represented by lifesavers candy. Each balloon held a birthday candle in the hole.
I also remember having a 'drum' cake. Two stacked round layers with colored icing 'rims' and 'zig-zags' around the outside. Then it had drumsticks made from two candy sticks, with mini-marshmallows (I think) on the ends.
Mother had two of those Baker's Coconut cake decorating books and used them often. Not necessarily for birthday cakes, but for cake walks at the church or holidays or parish dinners, bake sales, etc.
Hmmm...those booklets and the photos would make a good post idea for MY blog in the next day or two... I think I'll go find my 3 Baker's Coconut booklets.
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