It took a long, long time for Bobby Flay to grow on me. A very long time. He still doesn't always sit well with me. The other day I watched him make hot dogs with homemade bbq sauce and cole slaw, hot dogs with guac and salsa, and grilled sweet potato fries. He made the bbq sauce and cole slaw first, then the hot dogs, then the guac and salsa, then the sweet potato fries. Wouldn't the hot dogs be ice cold by the time he was done? He just had too much going on but damn the hot dogs looked good (although, I think completely impossible to eat unless you have a hippo-sized mouth).
I never even considered buying one of his cookbooks before seeing Boy Meets Grill while scouting for a giveaway book. In the past, I wouldn't even have picked it up, but like I said, his constant appearance on the food network has finally wore me down. I noticed a few streamlined recipes in there, but I think most of them require a bit of adventure. You can head over to amazon.com and have a peak inside.
This is how it works - just leave a comment on this post. I just need an e-mail address (if your profile links to an e-mail, you don't need to type it out, I'll find it). Entry is open until the last day of the month. First chance I get after that, I'll draw the winner. Then I'll contact the winner for a mailing address and then I'll mail the book! I'll pay the shipping, of course (I'll probably send it media rate - postal rates have gone up again). Unfortunately, I'm going to have to limit this to mailing to US mailing addresses only. Postage is just getting too expensive. My apologies to all of my foreign readers but blame the postal service
I've received some some weird hits, resulting from queries on common e-mail extensions, hitting the cookbook giveaway posts. Probably someone trolling for e-mail addresses so feel free to modify your e-mail address when you leave it, using 'at' instead of @ and 'dot com' instead of '.com', etc.
****The winner is tdwilson.**********
Ooh! Do I get to be first? Count me in!
yay for another chance to win a cookbook!
thank you for doing this =)
wordinista at gmail . com
I love your blog!!
Your blog rocks, I have bought several of the cookbooks you reference!
Surfed over from Meddlingkidd's blog and I just love your site! Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook - not a huge Bobby fan either, but do love to grill!
consider me in.
randi66 AT cabletv DOT On dot CA
This looks great!
I'm with you on Bobby Flay. I'm still not sure he's grown on me completely. I like that he's so big on grilling - I LOVE grilling. But he seems to have a HUGE ego, and some of his stuff just really doesn't appeal to me. I guess I'm more of a basic girl, not so many spices and exotic flavors.
Love the blog by the way!
I ate at Mesa Grill Las Vegas in June, and I have to say, it was very good. It probably helped that Bobby himself was in the kitchen that day!
saraskitchenblog at yahoo.com
I can't resist a free cookbook to fed my growing love of all things food related. I've watched a couple of his episodes and love the more exotic stuff he makes.
wwarren.31 at gmail dot com
Like you, I am a cookbook junkie - I would love to add this one to my collection. :)
columbusfoodie AT gmail DOT com
The jury is still out with me too, when it comes to Flay!
hkydiva1 AT yahoo DOT com
Let me know when Girl Meets Grill comes out! Meantime, count me in!
Will this help me cook! Just kidding - I'd love to enter.
I think I'm addicted to your site...
You're tagged!!
Can I be included on this one? I love Bobby Flay only because I think he's "cute"!
I do have a question for you and don't see a spot to email you....you have a picture at the top of your blog of what looks like a jalepeno cut in half and stuffed. Where on your blog is that receipe? I can't seem to find it. Love your blog and sneak in and read it every once in a while. LOVE your receipes!
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