Green Onion Dressing
The Practical Produce Cookbook Copyright 1997
1 ½ c. mayonnaise or salad dressing
½ c. chopped parsley or 1 T. dried parsley
1/3 c. finely chopped green onion
¼ c. light syrup
2 T. lemon juice
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
¼ tsp. pepper
Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Cover and chill. Makes 2 cups.
For a while we were only eating homemade dressing but somewhere along the way I went back to bottled dressings. Some of them are quite good, others aren't. I find that the creamy style bottled dressings usually aren't as good as I would like.
I made a half-batch of this recipe and I liked it quite a bit. The ingredients really came together nicely. I'm realizing how much I enjoy the flavor of green onions. I need to find more recipes that use them.
I did a lot better on groceries last week. I've been paying for two children in daycare for over 7 months, with about 5 more months to go. It's painful to write that check every week (although the center I use is worth every penny and I'll be very sad when my son leaves it for kindergarten). Push has come to shove in our household. I can't just pick up bottles of salad dressing willy-nilly anymore. I may even start making croutons again (yes, yes I've been buying those too). I even buy storebrand mayo instead of Hellman's (yes, it's that bad).
Question of the Day: What type of onion do you use the most? I actually use sweet onions the most. If a recipe calls for a yellow onion, I've used a sweet onion. I haven't purchased regular yellow onions in years. The sweet ones don't make me cry.
I can't even imagine how expensive that would be, for daycare for two! While I miss the toddler days sometimes I'm glad that my kids are old enough to be babysitter/daycare-less.
I love homemade salad dressing, but sometimes fall back into the rut of buying store bought. Then I feel dumb, because home made is really not that difficult or time consuming.
I use a lot of purple onions in salads but I don't like how they look when cooked so I usually buy Vidalia's for that--unless the finished product is dark colored--then I use purples ones for that too. I do use lots of green onions though--I love them in salads--and being from Louisiana green onions are used in cooking and as garnishes. Sheila
I like sweet onions and green onions, depending of what dish I'm making. We use onions a lot in cooking. I have no problem with bottled dressings but I'm sure homemade ones are delicious.
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