Betty Crocker's Cook Book for Boys and Girls Copyright 1957
1 - 7 oz. can tuna I used a 6-oz can and 3 3-oz cans
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup cheese or processed cheese, diced I used a bit more
1/4 cup mayonnaise I didn't measure but since I used more tuna I probably used more mayo
salt & pepper to taste
6 hamburger buns
Split and butter buns. (oops! I forgot to butter my buns but I don't think it was necessary.) Mix tuna, celery, cheese, mayonnaise and seasonings in bowl. Fill buns with tuna mixture. Wrap in foil and heat on baking sheet at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
I can't seem to get a good picture of anything on a bun. It didn't help that the foil I wrapped these in sort of crushed the bun. I hate when something really good doesn't photograph well.
The only problem I had with this recipe was that I didn't feel that was enough tuna for all that celery and onion so I a bit more than doubled the amount of tuna and added a little bit more cheese and mayo. I still ended up with 6 sandwiches worth of filling. In 1957 sandwiches were a lot thinner, I guess.
I made 5 sandwiches and saved the rest of the tuna for lunch. I wrestled with my conscience over whether or not to eat a second sandwich for dinner but my husband decided for me - he ate the other 4! I was worried that he wouldn't think much of this dinner but I guess I didn't have to worry after all. My son took a pass on these.
I've always loved tuna, especially tuna and cheese. I gained my Freshman 15 with tuna grinders from the Owls Nest. So this recipe was right up my alley and I'm glad that my husband loved them too because I'll definitely make these again, probably on the weekend. I don't usually make sandwiches during the week but I've been doing it more often. We had sandwiches twice this week. We travelled on Mother's Day so I didn't have as much time to cook over the weekend.
This is from a cute reprint of an old Betty Crocker cookbook (or should I say cook book). The recipes are really good, not too much in the way of processed foods.
And yes, I agree these aren't really a burger as most of us think of burgers but I just cook 'em, I don't name 'em.
Question of the Day: Did you have any children's cookbooks when you were young? I seem to remember having at least one from the scholastic book fair. I wonder whatever happened to it. The only recipe I can remember was some sort of ham roll-up.
Would have thought to add cheese to your basic tuna salad, but those unique additions are sometimes the best ones - sounds delish!
I didn't know these from the Betty Crocker children's cookbook! I grew up on these (in the 50s!). I make them all the time, as they are perfect for making ahead and throwing in the oven for dinner.
I had the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, and when I was in sixth grade, someone gave me a Betty Crocker party book -- I still want to have the "sputnik" party!
I don't really remember any cookbooks that were geared for kids, but I know I loved to look at my mom's cookbooks and decide what I HAD TO make.
I read all the time, but don't comment much. (sorry) I notice you frequently mention that your son "passes" on whatever you make. Do you have few stand bys that you whip up quickly for him when this happens? Or is something like PB&J or cereal? My brother's son is really picky, but they are constantly trying to move him beyond cheese, organic nuggets and plain noodles. No to be nosy, but how does that work in your house?
My son will eat turkey or spaghettiOs or something else (leftovers) if there is something on the menu that he doesn't like. I'm not going to force my son, or anyone, to eat something they don't like. Since he has/had some food allergies, I especially will not force him to eat anything he doesn't want to eat. I usually have him at least try new things.
It seems like he's been getting pickier but really, I've just been choosing more recipes that he was unlikely to enjoy, knowing he enjoys his backups.
He's actually a really good eater overall but he's not always consistent on a day-to-day basis (he doesn't always eat his usual favorites). If he was truly picky, I'd probably be frustrated but he really isn't. I have a nephew who only ate 'square pizza' and bagels and few other foods for years.
My grandmother made these and it was one of our favorite easy meals!!!! The cheese really makes it b/c it just holds everything all melty together. I had a "Boxcar Children's Cookbook." Two of my favorite "recipes" were egg salad and this drink made of orange juice and coke!
YES! I still have them since my mother almost threw them away and I 'rescued' them. Pickle in the Middle and Other Easy snacks, and Special Dishes for Special Days. I have looked through them, and I am sure the kids would have fun making the dishes, but haven't been motivated to cook with the kids lately. Mostly they have putting ingredients together to look cute.
I am not a big tuna gal, but I love that you still find so many recipes to cook from these days. Sometimes I wonder if I will find an end to newness in trying foods. I hope not.
As far as your question, I don't think that I had a cook book geared towards kids, we just used ones that my grandma's gave us from church, seemed to work fine. I can remember in 5th grade my teacher had a treat of the week and each student would bring treats and as a writing lesson, I think, we would all have to copy down the recipe. You know practice copying, following directions and working on penmenship and then at the end of the semester we had a recipe book. I also have ones that are from the home ec classes I took. I still make some of those recipes.
This looks delicious. I adore some Betty Crocker recipes, I have an applesauce breakfast cake I make all the time from a Better Homes and Gardens Childrens Cookbook that I have had since 4ever.
Really enjoying your blog.
Didn't have any as a child, but have a few for the grands.
I'm pretty sure I have this cookbook! I got it when I was a kid and used to "make" stuff from it all the time (not sure I actually did any of the cooking :) I was the only kids cookbook I ever had.
Made these in high school in the 60's it was from a Betty Crocker cook book but it had black olives everyone (kids included) love them
I had this cookbook when I was a child. This was one of my favorite recipes. My daughter actually asked that I fix it for lunch recently. I have passed the cookbook down to my granddaughter.
I had this cookbook when I was a child. This was one of my favorite recipes. My daughter actually asked that I fix it for lunch recently. I have passed the cookbook down to my granddaughter.
Thanks for posting this recipe. I used to make it for my kids when they were little. They loved it and so did mom and dad:)
I got the Betty Crocker kids edition cookbook as a kid. It was probably around 1960 I was 8 then.Coming from a "foodie family" I poured over the pages, My Mom made the tuna burgers regularly. Started making them again recently, as good as I remember. Just tweak the recipe to your taste.
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