Thursday, November 18, 2010

Meatloaf recipes

Apparently I love meatloaf (or meat loaf, if you prefer). I've made quite a few of them and I thought it would be handy to put all the meatloaf recipes together in their own post. There isn't a true stinker in the bunch - I enjoyed them all. I couldn't tell you which one was the best either. That's really impossible to say.

As you can see in many of the pictures, I often cook my meatloaf ahead of time, then I grill it on my Cuisinart Griddler. Oddly, I never seem to make meatloaf with gravy. I'll have to work on that.

I'll add any future meatloaves I make to this list.

Laura P's Grandma's Meat Loaf, submitted by a reader, this meat loaf has a touch of sage in the meat and a touch of nutmeg in the sauce

Family-Style Turkey Loaf, a gluten-free meatloaf made with ground turkey

Herbed Chicken Meatloaf, a Greek-inspired meatloaf, served in a pita

Brown Sugar Meat Loaf, a classic from the Bridges of Madison County Cookbook

Buffalo Chicken-Blue Cheese Meatloaf, from one of the Biggest Loser Cookbooks

BBQ-Bacon Meat Loaf, another Biggest Loser recipe, made with ground chicken

Tomato Meat Loaf, there are no eggs in this version

Spicy Glazed Meat Loaf, a crockpot meatloaf - watch the salt in this!

Mom’s Meatloaf, a Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives recipe

Picante Meat Loaf, a diabetic recipe for meat loaf

Mom’s Meat Loaf, another slow-cooked version of meatloaf

Turkey Meatloaf with Brown Sugar-Ketchup Glaze, a Cook's Illustrated recipe, slightly fussier than your average meatloaf but not too complicated. It's from 'Best Light Recipes'.

Dutch Meat Loaf, an awful picture but this is one of my favorite meatloaf recipes

Mexican Meat Loaf, this one uses tortilla chips

Lyn's Meatloaf - this one has a ketchup-brown sugar glaze with cloves and allspice


Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh! You just handed me a gift basket....I LOVE meatloaf and want to go right down the list night after night. But, I think my family might not be as enthusiastic, so I will space them out.


P.S. I am so glad you're back to blogging frequently. I hope things are better all around for you.

Mrs. L said...

Oh man, I love all those recipes for meatloaf! Thanks for putting them in one post. Except now it's going to be hard to figure out which one to cook first (I'm thinking the Dutch Meatloaf to start with).

#1SAHM said...

My grandma made THE best meatloaf ever (if I do say so myself ; ), would you like the recipe? = ) Let me know.

Sara said...

i am saving this post so i can make all these meatloaves this winter. they all sound wonderful.

Alisha said...

Oooh I love your re-cap! Have you tried Ina Garten's turkey meatloaf? That has to be my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your unique meatloaf recipes. This would be good when I have visitors, given with less time of preparation. Also, I'd like to try grilling it using my mom's gas barbecues. Sale has been in town due to the approaching Holidays, that she even bought
barbeque accessories to complete the set.

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