Phew! I made it through another week and now I have a long weekend. Yay!
Let's see, what did we eat this week? Monday we had Baked Ziti and garlic bread, with salad.
Tuesday we had chicken and filling (also known as dressing or stuffing). I make great filling if I do say so myself. I just had some plain chicken breasts so I decided to cook them - in canned soup! Ha! Take that, nasty commenter. I mixed cream of chicken soup with milk and some parmesan cheese. It kept the chicken moist. Important since it cooked the night before and reheated when we ate it.
Wednesday was a delicious rerun - Sweet-Sour Pork on Rice.

I used the last of my peach preserves from last year in that recipe. I'm sad I didn't get to can anything this year but I just couldn't get any canning done with the new baby.
Last night we had the enchiladas which turned out better than I expected. I knew the enchilada sauce tasted good but there wasn't much else to them - just multi-grain tortillas, queso fresco and shredded chicken. I wanted sour cream but I didn't have any. I used some thick ranch dip instead and it wasn't a bad substitution. They would have been better with corn tortillas but at least the multi-grain ones didn't get too soggy, which I was worried about. Cooking ahead is always a crap shoot.
Tonight will be pizza.
Today is my birthday. I turn 39 for the first time (but possibly not the last time LOL!). All I want for my birthday is a comment, from each of my regular commenters and from every other single person reading this. Is that really too much to ask? Please, pretty please.
Happy Birthday. I always read your blog in my google reader, but since I clicked through I got the full effect. I love the pink and polka dots!!
Happy birthday!! How funny that Karen (above) said what she did! I think your website was suggested to me through my google reader and as a result, I have never actually "visited" your site before! Lovely!
Hope you have a lovely day!
Happy Birthday! I just started reading your blog a couple weeks ago but have already tried a couple recipes. I love cookbooks and new recipes, but I like having input from someone who's already tried the recipe and offers comments and advice - so thanks! Have a wonderful birthday and a terrific weekend (it's supposed to be gorgeous weather here in Ohio, so I hope you have the same). -- Annette
happy birthday! Love your blog.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day.
I tried a new recipe that had a can of soup in it this week - I was planning to blog it in your honour but... sadly it was kinda gross LOL. Oh well, I have other canned soup dishes in the repertoire so I'll have to re-run one of them instead :)
First time commenting, I adore your site. I am always on the look out for simple yet flavorful recipes that take little time. We are all busy, and we all have days that we can't spend hours cooking for our family. So thank you the hard work you put into your site.
Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day full of wonderful memories.
Happy Birthday. I love your blog and have made lots of your recipes. I get so tired of cooking sometimes but your blog always gives me inspiration. My family appreciates it too!!! Have a great day and a wonderful long weekend. Sheila
Happy Birthday!
I'm new to your blog (maybe about 3 weeks or so) but nonetheless, I like it!
Happy birthday!
I too have way too many cookbooks, and your blog is an inspiration for actually using them instead of just reading and drooling ;-)
Happy youngster, you! I've been enjoying your blog for a long time and am still inspired by you and thoroughly enjoy meeting you here every morning. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday! I don't know how you do it all, I really don't.
Happy Birthday. Love the polka dots.
Happy Birthday!
I always enjoy reading your blog. I, too, am a cookbook (and internet recipe) junkie!
Happy Birthday!
I read your blog just about everyday, but never comment. Just wanted to say that I love your blog and that I hope you have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday :)
I'm one of your many blurkers. Great recipes, I love how they're not too crazy in terms of ingredients or time investment.
Have a great one!
Happy Birthday! Love your blog!
Happy birthday! I've been following your blog for about two years, I believe, and it's one of my favorites. You are an inspiration as a mom, home cook, and cookbook enthusiast. Thank you for sharing!
Happy birthday. Having cooked on a tight budget and even tighter time for a family, I recognize all of your struggles! (And I usually read your blog in my RSS reader and don't bother with comments -- guess I didn't realize how important comments are to the blogger!)
In the future, I'll comment more often. I sometimes find your blog touching, other times informative, and always enjoyable.
Happy Birthday Paula! I've been reading your blog ever since you started it and I read it every day.
Hope you have an awesome birthday with your 2 little guys!
Happy, happy birthday, CbJ!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday! I've been reading your blog for ages now, and I find you so personable. I love your new background!
Happy Birthday. I love your blog!
Happy Bday : )
Happy birthday!
I can't comment from my regular computer (blogger is blocked, but I can still get here somehow), but read every day.
You and I have similar tastes in recipes, which I love. :)
Happy birthday! I love your recipes and your reviews.
Happy Birthday! From my ugly binder to yours...a link to my favorite open up jars and cans recipe-- Beefy Baked Ravioli. Yes the ravioli goes in frozen, I only use mozzarella cheese, I use more than 1/2 a bag of the ravioli (pretty much put them in right next to each other, about 3/4 of the bag) and I think it needs more like 30 minutes covered and 15 uncovered.
Happy 39th Birthday.
I love your blog.
Have a good one :)
Have a wonderful birthday full of blessings!
PAULA - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I cannot tell you how much you make my day each day...I wish you another 39 years as great as you are...and you bettter still be blogging then!
*tap tap tap*
Ahem. Is this thing on?
Tee hee!
Happy birthday!
happy birthday!!
i have been reading your blog for about a year. It is the first site I check each day; you really do a great job. Happy Birthday and best wishes for a wonderful year!
Happiest of happy birthdays to you!!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for your recipies!
Happy Birthday!! Thanks for sharing!! :~)
happy birthday! hope you have many more wonderful 39th birthdays. (btw that`s the age my mom always told everyone she was. she had 19 39th birhtdays.)
Happy birthday Paula!! I've been reading your blog for about 6 months and I love it. I am also a recipe and cookbook junkie. In fact, my mother called me (and friends still call me) "Recipe"!
First time visiting your site, now it's bookmarked for future visits! Happy Birthday--I hope it was one that you'll never forget!
Happy Birthday!! I love your blog and read it daily. I am also a cookbook fanatic, and I must say you inspire me to keep trying new recipes. I hope you enjoyed your day --- sorry for the late greetings!
Hope you had a nice birthday. I have been a lurker on your blog for a long time. I love cookbooks too but I just read them and blog about them instead of cooking yummy things like you do.
Happy B-day! I actually find myself visiting more for your blog than the recipes :) Even though I have made one or two (those double chocolate oatmeal cookies are amazing!!!) Hope you have a great day-
Happy Belated Birthday! I always look forward to your blog entries.
I missed your birthday, but here's a happy belated birthday wish! I've lurked on your blog (sporadically) for a year or two now, and always enjoy reading your posts.
Oh, I am sorry this is late, but Happy Birthday!
...from someone who has left 39 behind...
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday from a lurker!!!I love how each recipe has a picture!
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