Spanish Rice and Meatballs
365 Favorite Brand Name Hamburger Copyright 1997
6 slices bacon I just used a couple of slices
1 pound lean ground beef
½ cup soft bread crumbs
1 egg, slightly beaten
½ teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
½ cup chopped onion
½ cup sliced celery
2/3 cup uncooked white rice
1 ½ cups water
1 can (14 ½ ounces) whole peeled tomatoes, cut into bite-size pieces I used a can of diced tomatoes
1/3 cup Heinz 57 Sauce
¼ teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 green bell pepper, cut into ¾-inch chunks
In large skillet, cook bacon until crisp; removed, coarsely crumble and set aside. Drain drippings reserving 1 tablespoon. In a large bowl, combine beef, bread crumbs, egg, salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Form into 20 meatballs, using a rounded tablespoon for each. In same skillet, brown meatballs in reserved drippings; remove. In same skillet, sauté onion and celery until tender-crisp; drain excess fat. Add rice, eater, tomatoes, 57 Sauce, ¼ teaspoon pepper and hot pepper sauce. Cover, simmer 20 minutes. Stir in bacon, meatballs and green pepper. Cover; simmer an additional 10 minutes or until rice is tender, and liquid is absorbed, stirring occasionally.
This wasn't bad. The Heinz 57 sauce stood out so if you don't care for it, I think it could be replaced with something else (maybe chili sauce?) or left out. It was fine for a weekday meal.
I really have to buckle down this week and work with what I have on hand since I've started Christmas shopping and I need to cut back on spending in all other categories. Last night I bought my son a little kitchen playset in the grocery store. It's so cute. He loves that stuff at school but I didn't think he needed an expensive kitchen playset at home. This one is small but has sound effects and comes with all the accessories. I think it will be a good tool for teaching him about his peanut allergy (we can practice 'reading labels').
I'm off work today and I don't go back until Tuesday. I'm getting my house in order for the holidays. I have to get to work on that so no Blast From The Past.
Question of the Day: Have you started Christmas shopping yet?
I have started my shopping for Christmas and the boys are almost done. Now it is the hard ones to look for like my inlaws and sister-in-law to be! I may do a little online today as it seems to be easier than actually going to the physical shops with one or two boys in tow.
Good luck with your day!
I'm done with everything except presents for teachers and other thank you presents. But then, I'm having a baby in a month and have to ship everything to the coast.
The actual shopping, no...thinking about what to get, yes.
No not yet, thankfully. I find it very stressful. Last year my family picked names and we all got just one gift. It was actually the least stressed holiday I ever had.
I'm going to suggest it again this year. It gives you more time to focus on the true spirit of the season!
Nope! Not one single thing yet...sigh. I guess I'd better start thinking and then DOING. Live-in granddaughter wants a microscope and maybe a dance pad video game thingy. Unless she changes her mind.
I inadvertantly ended up on a line for a TMX Elmo at Toys R Us yesterday morning and landed one for my nephew, Jack! I was soooo happy! That was the first present I bought so far, so yes, I guess I did start!
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